Oil Paintings
Have a picture that you have always wanted to have as a painting? You can get a custom oil painting to your specifications. Paintings can...
Have a picture that you have always wanted to have as a painting? You can get a custom oil painting to your specifications. Paintings can...
Turn your pet/animal into an adorable Animal Crossing character Amiibo card! Send your favorite pictures of your pet as well as the...
Have you ever thought of getting the walls spruced up in your home or business? Let your imagination run wild! Murals prices start at...
Have a gift idea for a friend or family member? Want to have something colorful for your wall that is personalized? You can all the ideas...
Drawings/Portraits in charcoal, graphite, and ink can be commissioned for $1 per square inch with an $80 minimum. Please email any...
Have an idea for a logo for your company or project? Want to draft some inspiration? Logos can be designed for you starting at $200 with...
Have you always wanted a tattoo but have yet to see it designed? Send your ideas and questions to mirandali.art@gmail.com and get...
Have a gift idea for a friend or family member? Want to have something colorful for your wall that is personalized? You can all the ideas...
The Thunder mold is of a German Shepherd lying down and is about about "L x "W x "H.. Does your pet look like Thunder? Minor changes can...
The Tarzan mold is of a thinner/older cat in a sitting position and is about 3.75"L x 1.25"W x 2.75"H . Does your pet look like Tarzan?...
The Taylor mold is of a Pittie-mix dog in a "splooting" position and is about 6"L x 2"W x 2.5"H. Does your pet look like Taylor? Minor...
The Nana mold is of a sitting Newfoundland dog and is about "L x "W x "H. Does your pet look like Nana? Minor changes can be made via...
The Snickers mold is of a Yorkie laying on its belly with a lil' tongue blep and is about 4.25"L x 1.45"W x 2.25"H. Does your pet look...
The Malana mold is of a Doodle dog in a sitting position with a paw up for attention and is about "L x "W x "H . Does your pet look like...
The Meatball mold is of a Pitbull Mix-breed dog in a sitting position and is about 3.75"L x 1.25"W x 2.75"H . Does your pet look like...
The Kitty mold is of a fat cat lying on its side/back and is about 2"L x 4.5"W x 1"H . Does your pet look like Kitty? Minor changes can...
The Clementine mold is of a Corgi/Australian Shepherd dog in a begging position and is about 3"L x 1.75"W x 3.75"H . Does your pet look...
The Cannon mold is of a cat lying in a "loaf" position and is about 3.25"L x 1.3"W x 1.75"H . Does your pet look like Cannon? Minor...
An unpainted cast of the Amkus is $45 while a painted cast of the Amkus is $60. Accessories such as bandanas, collars, harnesses, hats,...
Don't see a mold that fits your pet? Want to have something different sculpted all together? You can order a unique custom sculpture to...