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Oil Paintings

Have a picture that you have always wanted to have as a painting? You can get a custom oil painting to your specifications. Paintings can...

Animal Crossing Pet Transformations

Turn your pet/animal into an adorable Animal Crossing character Amiibo card! Send your favorite pictures of your pet as well as the...

Mural/Theater Painting

Have you ever thought of getting the walls spruced up in your home or business? Let your imagination run wild! Murals prices start at...

Digital Portraits

Have a gift idea for a friend or family member? Want to have something colorful for your wall that is personalized? You can all the ideas...

Commission Drawings/Portraits

Drawings/Portraits in charcoal, graphite, and ink can be commissioned for $1 per square inch with an $80 minimum. Please email any...

Logo Design

Have an idea for a logo for your company or project? Want to draft some inspiration? Logos can be designed for you starting at $200 with...

Tattoo Design

Have you always wanted a tattoo but have yet to see it designed? Send your ideas and questions to and get...

Custom Digital Art

Have a gift idea for a friend or family member? Want to have something colorful for your wall that is personalized? You can all the ideas...

Commissions: Blog2
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